SI Joint
Pubic Symphysis
Pubic Symphysis Pain
Amniotic Sac
Amniotic Fluid or Bags of Waters
Mucus Plug - a protective collection of mucus in the cervical canal
Uterine Ligaments (broad, round, uterosacral)
Dilation or Dilated
Effacement or Effaced
Rectis Abdominus
Diastasis Recti or Abdominal Separation
Linea Nigra- name used to describe the dark vertical line which often appears on the abdomen of pregnant women around the middle of pregnancy
Chloasma - temporary condition, typically caused by hormonal changes, in which large brown patches form on the skin, mainly on the face.
Perineum - protects the pelvic floor muscles and the blood vessels that supply the genitals and urinary tract
Pelvic Floor
Relaxin - hormone secreted by the placenta that causes the cervix to dilate and prepares the uterus for the action of oxytocin during labor
Umbilical Cord
Varicose Veins
Phenomena of Pregnancy
Bradley Method - emphasizes that birth is a natural process: mothers are encouraged to trust their body and focus on diet and exercise throughout pregnancy; and it teaches couples to manage labor through deep breathing and the support of a partner or labor coach
Braxton Hicks Contractions or warm-up - contractions, also known as prodromal or false labor pains, are contractions of the uterus that typically are not felt until the second or third trimester of the pregnancy
EDD or Estimated Due Date, Due Date
High Risk
Hypno Birthing, Hypnobabies, Hypnosis for Childbirth
Lightening - at the end of the third trimester, the baby settles, or drops lower, into the mother's pelvis
Low Risk
Prenatal Exam
External Manual Version - procedure used to turn a fetus from a breech position or side-lying (transverse) position into a head-down (vertex) position before labor begins
In Vitro
IUI (Intrauterine insemination) - a type of artificial insemination, a procedure for treating infertility
Gestational Diabetes - form of high blood sugar affecting pregnant women
Optimal Fetal Positioning
Placenta Previa - when the placenta covers the opening in the mother's cervix
Posterior (as in fetal positioning - occiput posterior aka sunny side up)
PUPPP (Pruritic Urticarial Papules and Plaques of Pregnancy) - chronic hives-like rash that strikes some women during pregnancy
Two Vessel Cord or Single Umbilical Artery
Spotting - very light vaginal bleeding during pregnancy
Stretch Marks
Sweeping / Stripping Membranes - way to induce labor. It involves your doctor sweeping their (gloved) finger between the thin membranes of the amniotic sac in your uterus
Pregnancy & Birth Professionals
Doula - trained companion who is not a healthcare professional and who supports another individual through a significant health-related experience, such as childbirth, miscarriage, induced abortion or stillbirth, or non-reproductive experiences such as dying
Monitrice - an experienced guide who offers support and assistance to birthing couples
Childbirth Educator
Lactation Consultant - health professional who specializes in the clinical management of breastfeeding
Midwife - CPM, DEM, LDEM, Home Birth Midwife, Lay Midwife
Certified Nurse - Midwife or CNM
Obstetrician, OBGYN
Labor & Delivery Nurse
Perinatologist - doctors who handle high-risk pregnancies
Prenatal Care Provider
Methods & Choices for Giving Birth
Abdominal Birth
Birth Partner
Birth Attendant
Birth Center
Out of Hospital Birth
Home Birth
Hospital Birth
Natural Birth
Normal Birth
Unmedicated Birth
Planned C-Section
Emergency C-Section
Repeat C-Section
VBAC (Vaginal Birth After Cesarean)
Episiotomy - also known as peritectomy, is a surgical incision of the perineum and the posterior vaginal wall generally done by a midwife or obstetrician
Vacuum Assisted Delivery
Spontaneous Labor - Labor that begins and progresses without pharmacological, mechanical, or operative intervention
Induction of Labor, Induced
Elective Induction - initiation of labor for convenience in a person with a term pregnancy who doesn't medically need the intervention
Augmentation of Labor - process of stimulating the uterus to increase the frequency, duration and intensity of contractions after the onset of spontaneous labor
AROM (Active Range of Motion)
Fetal Monitoring
Fetal Heart Tones
Pitocin - cause or strengthen labor contractions during childbirth, and control bleeding after childbirth
Surgical Birth
Vaginal Delivery
Water Birth
Free Birth or Unassisted Birth
Phenomena of Labor & Birth
Active Labor
Back Labor
Bloody Show - refers to vaginal discharge that occurs at the end of your pregnancy. It's a sign that your mucus plug has loosened or already has been dislodged
Born Still or Stillborn
Crowning - when you can see the top of your baby's head through the opening of your vagina
Dilation or Dilated
Effacement or Effaced - means that the cervix stretches and gets thinner
Early Labor
Eclampsia or Toxemia - a rare but serious condition where high blood pressure results in seizures during pregnancy
In The Caul - when the baby comes out still inside an intact amniotic sac
Labor, Being in Labor
Labor Patterns
Lovenox - used to treat and prevent deep vein thrombosis and pulmonary embolism including during pregnancy
Meconium - materials ingested, intestinal epithelial cells, lanugo, mucus, amniotic fluid, bile and water
Meconium Aspiration - occurs when a newborn breathes a mixture of meconium and amniotic fluid into the lungs around the time of delivery.
Postpartum - period just after delivery
Pre-Eclampsia - a potentially dangerous pregnancy complication characterized by high blood pressure
Pre-Term Labor
Posterior (as in fetal positioning - occiput posterior aka sunny side up)
Rupture of Membranes or SROM or Water Breaking - when a hole or tear forms in the sac. Most women describe this by saying their "water broke."