Pregnancy Massage focuses on addressing the special needs of expecting women. Prenatal massage is very beneficial in the second and third trimesters, when the extra weight in the belly puts strain on your back. This massage can be done after the first 12 weeks.
Massage Trimester Goals
1st Trimester (6-13 weeks)
Assessing posture, gait and tissue prior to pregnancy related change
Provide acceptance and reassurance about physical complaints
Opportunity for education and support regarding any fears she has
2nd Trimester (14-26 weeks)
Relieving stress on weight bearing joints
Focus on chronically stressed areas
Improve circulation
Providing a non-judgmental space
3rd Trimester (27-42+ weeks)
Addressing acute needs (edema, sciatica, venous engorgement, spasm)
Relieving pelvic tension
Relieving soreness in back, hips, legs, neck and shoulders
Focusing on overall rest, relaxation and turning in
Preparing emotionally
Postpartum Recovery
Focus on postural muscles
Belly work, check for diastasis recti
Focus on nursing neck
Educate on need for regular bodywork during motherhood-emotional benefits
Changes to The Body
A women's body experiences many physical and hormonal changes to accommodate for the gestation and delivery.
1st Trimester
Swollen breasts
Morning sickness
Frequent urination
Minor structural stresses
Emotional stress, anxiety, excitement, fear
2nd Trimester
Structural stresses increase
Postural changes
Body shape changes, pregnancy is visible
Skin stretching
Muscle cramping
Varicose veins can appear
Hemorrhoids can develop
Tension in low back, upper back, neck and shoulders
3rd Trimester
Frequent physical discomfort
Stretch marks, itching skin
Rib pain
Shortness of breath
Low back pain
Pubic symphysis pain
SI joint pain
Hip pain
Difficulty sleeping
Frequent urination
Swollen feet and ankles
Neck and shoulder tension
Concerns about giving birth
Postpartum Recovery
Exhaustion form her new role; overwhelm
Exhaustion from birth, recovery from birth
Processing the birth experience whether positive or negative
Lack of sleep
Bonding with baby
Engorged breasts
Normal but heavy postpartum bleeding
Body image stress
Depression, anxiety, feeling of inadequacy to care for a newborn
Fear of leaving baby
Positioning in Prenatal Massage
Prenatal massage differs form a traditional massage in a few ways. Positioning is going to differ depending on where you are in your pregnancy. You can assume several positions, depending on which is more comfortable. When the fetus has grown enough to "show" special considerations are made.
Prone Position (Face Down)
This can be used early in the pregnancy before the abdomen starts to protrude (1st and 2nd trimester)
A Preg-Pillow can be used for a safe and comfortable position for a short period
Supine Position (Face Up)
This can be used early in the pregnancy before the abdomen starts to protrude (1st and 2nd trimester)
Pillows or foam wedge is arranged under your back to support in a semi-reclining (45 degree to 70 degree) position
Small pillow or folded towel under her head to support the head and neck
Pillow or a small bolster (6 or 8 inches) under the bend of her knees to take the strain off the low back and abdominal muscles
During second and third trimester this position is used with great caution because of the weight of the fetus can press on the descending aorta and impede the flow of blood to the placenta
Side-Lying Position
Plenty of pillows and bolsters are used to comfortably support the head, womb, upper leg and arm
Top leg is elevated (90 degree from hip), while your knee and hip are at the same level
Hips, shoulder and ear are aligned
You can also have a pillow to hug at your chest
Areas Subject to Discomfort & How to Help
Strained because of the head forward position
Pectoralis stretch
Upper Back, Shoulders
Strained because of the head forward position
Sacroiliac Release
PSIS Release
ASIS pulling backwards
Roll shoulder joint
Low Back
Extra strain, especially in the later stages of pregnancy, owing to the extra weight of the protruding abdomen
Abdominal Muscles
Strain from carrying the extra weight and from stretching to accommodate the growing fetus
Legs & Feet
Added weight and reduced activity results in fatigue and minor swelling
TFL Release
Soleus stretch
Prenatal Massage Benefits
Massage during pregnancy helps women feel good, hurt less, and sleep better!!
Nervous System Benefits
Helps to relax nervous tensions, which aids in better sleep
Resolves muscle spams
Reduce sciatic pain
Help reduce or alleviate headaches
Circulatory System Benefits
Encourages blood circulation (2-3 lbs of extra blood in the body)
Integumentary System Benefits
Enhances the pliability of skin and underlying tissues
Skin stimulation produces prolactin (hormones)
Endocrine System Benefits
Decrease levels of cortisol (indicator of stress) and catecholamine production
Help relieve depression or anxiety
Decrease levels of stress hormones
Increase levels of serotonin and dopamine
Cope with life and emotions
Overall sense of wellbeing enhanced
Increase energy levels
Reduce fatigue and insomnia
Lymphatic System Benefits
Help relieve edema
Encourages lymph circulation
Helps reduce swelling
Skeletal System Benefits
Reduce stress on weight-bearing joints
Alleviate musculoskeletal stress and pain
Relieve swollen and sore feet
Helps postural strains
Reproductive System Benefits
Placental functions increases
Massage Benefits During Labor
Provide natural pain relief
Promotes relaxation
Increase mother's comfort
Facilitate in shorter deliveries
Course-correct non-optimal fetal positioning
Help mother connect with her body and stay relaxed
Help conserve energy for labor by staying relaxed and letting the uterus work
Help lower the presence of stress hormones which may interfere with normal labor
Massage Benefits After Giving Birth
Helps her recover from the physical, mental and emotional exhaustion of labor and birth (help the body decompress)
Helps re-orient her to her post-pregnancy body
Helps to recover her pre-pregnant shape and alignment
Helps to relieve 'nursing neck' - stiff neck and shoulders from carrying and/or breastfeeding
Helps relieve maternal exhaustion
Helps improve sleep by letting her rest for a bit
Helps flush her system by increasing circulation
Nurtures her so that she can nurture her baby
Release 'feel good' hormones in her body
Prenatal Massage Myths
Massage during pregnancy is dangerous because it can over-tax or overstimulate the body system (its actually safe)
Foot massage can cause a miscarriage or preterm labor; don't do it (foot massage is fine and safe, wont cause contractions)
Don't touch the ankles during pregnancy (you can massage the ankles, just not acupressure)
Don't rub any place where there are acupressure points that are contraindicated during pregnancy (feet, traps, sacrum) (massage and acupressure is different)
Foot massage can cause contractions so don't do it until 39 weeks
All massage therapist are qualified to do pregnancy massage (you can get training and get specialized)
Certain massage techniques can induce labor in women who have arrived or gone over their due dates
Acupressure or acupuncture can start labor in 24 hours
You should not massage a woman with varicose veins (perfectly fine, but gentle)
Face down on tables with holes for the belly and breasts is the best way to do pregnancy massage
Only do sidelying massage after the first trimester (don't limit way of laying)
No deep work; prenatal massage is a light touch (do as deep as she likes, deeper for weight-bearing joints and lighter on legs)
BodyCushions in the prone position create uterine ligament strain and intrauterine pressure and are therefore dangerous
All pregnancy support pillows are safe
Massage during the first trimester is contraindicated (False, massage wont cause miscarriage)
Don't touch or massage the belly during pregnancy
No massage for a high-risk pregnancy
There is a point in pregnancy when it's too late to get a massage
All essential oils should be avoided during pregnancy (nose is more sensitive)
The only real benefit of massage during pregnancy is that it feels good
Massage during pregnancy is always safe (certain cases are different)
It really doesn't matter what position you put a pregnant women in for massage as long as she is comfortable
Pregnancy massage requires knowing special techniques just for pregnancy women
You cant massage a women who is in labor
If a women is having contractions during a massage, you need to stop (early labor can be long, if she's relaxed keep going)
The baby kicking during the massage is a sign that he/she is uncomfortable (shows a healthy baby)