Lets start from the basic! Massage is very important for you and everyone you know! Massage should be included in your life, at least once a month! But you may ask why!! This blog is for you then!
We will learn why we should get massages, effects of massage, effects on some body systems and the difference between Swedish massage and Deep Tissue massage.
Effects On The Body
Massage can have physical, mental and psychological effects on the human body.
Increase metabolism
Hastens healing
Relaxes & refreshes the muscles
Helps to prevent and relieve muscle cramps & spams
Helps to relieve muscle tension & stiffness
Reduces pain & swelling
Reduces formation of excessive scar tissue
Provides greater joint flexibility & range of motion
Enhance athletic performance
Promotes deeper & easier breathing
Improves circulation of blood & movement of lymph fluids
Reduces blood pressure
Helps relieve tension-related headaches & eye strains
Enhances the health & nourishment of the skin
Improves posture
Strengthen the immune system
Helps relieve stress
Aids in relaxation
Improves concentration
Promotes better sleep
Decreases depression
Reduces levels of anxiety
Improves your mood
Promotes energy
Increase peace of mind
Promotes a relaxed state of mental alertness
Improves ability to monitor stress signals & respond appropriately
Enhance capacity for calm thinking & creativity
Increases a feeling of well-being
Increase awareness of mind-body connection
Relieve fatigue
Reduce tension
Reduce anxiety
Calms the nervous system
Promotes a sense of renewed energy
Rebuild a more positive self image & sense of self worth
Reduce depression & promotes a sense of mental alertness
Soothes away minor aches & pains
Effects on Some Body Systems
Circulatory System
Better cellular nutrition & elimination
The work of the heart is lessened because of the improvement in surface circulation
Blood pressure & heart rate are temporarily reduced
Systolic stroke volume is increased
Increased in number of red & white blood cells
Contraction of blood vessels
Hastens the flow of blood through the superficial veins
Increased flow of interstitial fluid
Stimulate the flow of blood through the deeper arteries & veins
Produces a hyperemia or an increase in the amount of blood stored in the muscle tissue
Nervous System
Stimulate nerves
Increase nerve irritability
Anesthetize the local nerves
Desensitizes trigger points
Autonomic Nervous System
Stimulate the body, leaving it more alert & energized
Sedating the sympathetic nervous system
Blood levels of epinephrine & norepinephrine are reduced
Heart rate decreased
Blood pressure decreased
Muscular System
Relaxing tense muscles
Releasing muscle spasms
Reducing trigger point activity
Brings a fresh supply of blood to the muscles
Aids in removal of metabolic waste products
Helps nourish tissues
Prevents & relives stiffness & soreness in muscles
Restore muscles
Muscle tissue that have suffered injury helps more quickly
Release fascial restrictions
Reduce thickening of connective tissue
Prevent & reduces the development of adhesions & excessive scarring
Lubricates the joints
Firm & strengthen muscles
Stretch & compress various connective tissues
Relax & reset muscle tone
Warm the tissues
Swedish vs Deep Tissue
Swedish Massage
Swedish massage is the most common and best-known type of massage
Swedish massage is the place to start if you have never had a massage before
Swedish massage is the foundation to all other types of massages
When receiving a Swedish massage the main goal for the massage is to relax all the muscles in the body and release in pain that you may have
The therapist will work with the soft tissues in the body and muscles to help restore balance and health to the body
Deep Tissue Massage
Deep Tissue massage is on the deeper side of massages. But, don't get the name wrong, us therapist go as deep as you can tolerate
Deep Tissue Massage focuses on realigning deeper layers of muscles and connective tissue
Some of the strokes are used as classic Swedish techniques, but the movement is slower and the pressure is deeper and concentrated on areas of tension and pain in order to reach the sub-layers of muscles and the fascia
When there is chronic muscle tension or injury to a muscle, there is usually adhesions. Adhesions are bands of painful, rigid tissues combined all together. Adhesions appear in muscles, tensions and ligaments. Adhesions block circulation of blood and can cause pain, limited movement and inflammation. Muscles can be relaxed from adhesions with deep tissue massage, with focus on that area.