Hyperesthesia - Increased sensitivity of any of your senses, such as sight, sound, touch, and smell. It can affect just one or all of the senses. Often, the heightening of an individual sense
Vision Disorders
Conjunctivitis - Inflammation or infection of the outer membrane of the eyeball and in the inner eyelid, also known as Pink Eye
Glaucoma - Buildup of aqueous humor within the anterior cavity, causes abnormally high intraocular pressure and blindness
Hearing & Balance Disorder
Otitis Media - An infection of the air-filled space behind the eardrum, also known as Ear Infection
Tinnitus - Ringing or bussing noises in one or both ears
Taste Disorders
Scurvy - Deficiency of vitamin C, characterized by swollen, bleeding gums and the openings of previously healed wounds - also called Scorbutus
Smell Disorders
Deviated Nasal Septum - Sideways displacement of the wall between the nostrils